Create a New Year’s Resolution that STICKS!

How do you create a New Year’s Resolution that sticks?

Have you ever wanted to implement multiple New Year’s Resolutions?
Like kick gluten out of your diet?
Eat less red meat?
Go on a run every morning?
Practice more patience?
Give more gratitude?

Fist, Pick ONE!

Then how do you commit and create consistency?

Check out my BEST practices to ensure success with your New Year!

It’s your year to flourish!

Out-picture the End Zone

If you’re on a football team and you don’t know what plays you’re going to run, you’ll never win the game.

What happens when you get sacked and your on the bench? How do you get back into the game of life?

You must Begin with the End In Mind

If your end in mind is to lose 30 pounds, that’s great. Now how do you get there? Are you going to eat less or workout more?

Let’s say you choose to work out more.

1. Get specific
The more specific you get, the more clear you will be and when your mind is clear with exactly what you want to do it’s your chance to make sure it stays on your side rather than pulling you away from your resolution.
How often?
How long?
What are you going to do?

2. Schedule it into your calendar
When you say, “I’m going to the gym today,” you might not go because your kids call you to come home or your significant other wants you to stay in bed longer or you get a business call right as your walking into the gym. When you schedule your workouts into your calendar you’ve blocked that time for you and your wellbeing. Keep these appointments with yourself.

For example:
Monday 3:00 – 3:45p.m.
Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00a.m.
Saturday 9:00 – 10:15a.m.

Maybe these days and times have to change weekly, pick a day every week to make sure you can squeeze in your work out. Make it a priority!

3. Create your strong why
Why do you want to loose weight? Your strong why is what propels you forward, it’s what gives you no choice other than to go to the gym. Make your why so strong that you’ll never miss a workout.

  • I’m going to the gym to fit into my favorite jeans and feel sexier
  • I’m going to the gym because my doctor says if I don’t loose weight my health will suffer
  • I’m going to the gym because if I don’t loose weight I’ll never have my confidence back and won’t be able to attract the partner I desire

Make this year YOUR year!


Kerry Lee

P.S. I have TWO open spots for Certified High Performance Coaching!

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It’s a great way to start off your NEW YEAR.

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