What does Inner Wisdom have to do with Safety and Security?

Learn how inner wisdom reintroduces and maintains safety and security in your life.

When you think of your relationship with your spouse and kids does it bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart?

How would your life improve, if your inner voice shared with you your good times versus focusing on their negative qualities?

In today’s framework you’ll learn the secrets to creating a relationship that’s infinite – unconditionally – loving.

Through inner wisdom, achieving healthy relationships not only generate long lasting love and passion but also safety and security within yourself.

Rating system:

On a scale of 1-10:

How do you think your partner would rate YOU in the area of Stability?

What is one thing that you can do to create more stability in your relationship?

On a scale of 1-10:

How do you think your partner would rate YOU in the area of Spontaneity?

What is one thing that you can do to create more spontaneity in your relationship?

Take personal responsibility! Maybe you’re feeling bored in your relationship? If so, then it’s also up to you to implement more stability or spontaneity into your life with your partner.

Try a different activity, food, park, beach. Even better, brainstorm this with your partner. Relationships take work and yours is worth it.

P.S. Are you interested in reaching your next level in life through High-Performance Coaching, email me at Kerry@theawakeningtrainings.com! Also, take a quick peek of one of my previous blog posts! You will thank yourself, I promise!

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